Friday, August 22, 2008

1st Day of School

Aiylas first day of 1st grade. She was so excited the night before you'd think it was Christmas!
The kids waiting for Aiylas bus.. I had to drive her to the bus stop because its so far from our house. What a nightmare.
Aiyla and Kaden, she was so excited that he rides the bus with her. Sad they are both so big now.


    BiLlY, sAm, AnD bOyS!!! said...

    glad to see you updated your blog! your kids are so getting so big! wow- a first grader-- scary.thats kinda funny that you had to drive her to the bus stop! how are you doing?

    email me so I can invite you to our blog- i am going to be closing it and going private!

    Audrey and Mike Findarle said...

    holy crap! 1st grade. she is so big now! and she is so cute... all of your kids are so big now i cant believe it. remember when aiyla would eat goldfish in my face... that was awesome.